Is it really over? Is this wonderful series really coming to an end?
Sadly, it appears so, as this is apparently the final book in the
conversations with God series (which has changed my life for the
better). But while it may be the final book, it is one of the most
important, for it deals with the one issue that everyone, no matter who
you are or where you come from, must inevitably face: What happens to
us after we die?
That's the one big question that is looked at in
this book. Just what does happen when we die? Happily, the answers
put forth not only make sense and give a reasonable view of the
transition from physical life to spiritual life, but when one takes the
answers given in this book and compare them to near death experiences
and other other-worldly experiences, they match up.
The big
message of the book is this: It is impossible to live and die without
God, but it is possible not to know this. No matter where you are, what
you do, or how you die, God is with you. It's possible to know this,
and it's possible not to know this.
On to the subject of death
itself, the book goes over death and it's implications. There's a lot
of stuff presented here, so i'll just list some of the biggies:
Death happens in three stages, realizing that you are not a body,
experiencing what you want to experience after death, and merging with
your higher self.
2. One goes home to heaven when they have
experienced all that they wanted to experience in this physical
lifetime. The spirit of the individual may know this and when the
lifetime will finish, but frequently the individual does not know when
he or she will die.
3. The death experience is different for
everyone, depending on your expectations, views, and ideas. If you
expect to find nothing, you will be allowed to experience that (the
second stage of death) until you decide to look for something else. If
you expect to find yourself embraced in the arms of a loving God, you
will be allowed to experience that. If you expect to find yourself
being judged and sent to hell, you will be allowed to experience that
(though you can change it by choosing to look for something else).
Death is simply becoming whole again, for you splintered upon birth.
Death is the transition from one state of existance to another.
Everyone inevitably makes it home.
That's just the tip of the
iceberg with regards to what happens after death. There's a life
review, there's the big question that you will be asked (so big that all
of heaven will pause to hear your answer), and there's deciding what to
do next. Overall the book does accomplish what it set out to do, to
explain death, what it is, what happens, and how you affect your own
Granted, what's said should be taken with a grain of
salt because we, of course, cannot confirm for certian what happens
after physical death. I don't agree with everything said in here about
death (For example, spirits who see themselves in hell don't feel it.
I'm not quite sure what to think of that), but I find myself agreeing
with most of what is said here. There are some passages in paticular
(the passages on page 109-111 made my heart and my spirit soar as I read
them) that are just so beautifuly written and so emotionally moving
that they are, in my opinion, some of the most beautiful and divine
words ever inspired to be put on paper.
In addition to death
itself, the book also discusses other aspects that add to the death
process such as the topic of how one perceives things. One big note
here is that your perception really changes your life and your world.
Your perception helps determine, to an enormous extent, how your life
plays out. I love this quote on page 214:
God: It's really quite simple. Tune in to how you feel.
Neale: Now I can just see someone saying, "Boy, what a piece of new age jargon-Get in touch with your feelings."
Those who see it as jargon will experience it as jargon. Those who
see it as wisdom will open the door to a whole new world.
also a good amount of material describing why you're here on earth in
the first place (experience things that help you grow and evolve as an
individual spirit). There are no victims and villians, and everyone has
their own truth, but there are people, places, and things that help
guide people to that truth within them. Some people may indeed dismiss
such statements, but when one thinks about it in a certian context, it
does make sense. How does one really find wisdom and truth?
All human beings are born with the wisdom of the universe imprinted on
thier souls. It is in the DNA of everything...this is why, when people
are confronted with great wisdom, it often sounds so familiar to them.
They agree with it almost at once. There is no argument. There is
only a remembering (page 5).
I could keep writting for pages at
how incredible and easy to understand this book is, but I will finish
with this: What is in this book is not for everyone. Followers of
religion may hate what it says and others may say that it's all a bunch
of wacked out new age propoganda, but there is good stuff in here. When
I got this book I was going through a stage in my life where I was
afraid of what was going to happen to me after my death. Yet, after
reading this book and recognizing (remembering?) so much good stuff in
it, all my fear of death has vanished completely, replaced with that
simple statement. "It is impossible to live and die without God, but it
is possible to not know this." Although it's sad to see such a
wonderful and life changing series of books come to an end, it has
finished with a wonderful ending that helps to reassure, comfort, and
explain one of the things we as humans fear the most.
Thank you
Mr. Walsch. Thank you so much for bringing us all these wonderful
books. Rest assured that there is one spirit, one person out in the
world whom you have helped guide towards a more loving path in life.
Thank you so much.
Highly recommended.