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Home with God: In a Life That Never Ends [Paperback]

Neale Donald Walsch
4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (182 customer reviews)

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Book Description

March 6, 2007

An uplifting masterwork of comfort and compassion exploring the ultimate questions of existence and transcendence.

Nothing has riveted humanity's interest more, nor has anything been more frightening or awe-inspiring, than the finality of death. In Home with God, the last installment of his bestselling Conversations with God series, Neale Donald Walsch asks the questions that everyone has longed to ask and receives the answers readers have all been waiting for. Through his profound and personal dialogue with God, Walsch explores the process by which all human beings must end their days here on Earth and begin their new life in God's Kingdom -- to which all eventually return, regardless of their earthly deeds. An astonishing and spiritual work, Home with God offers hope, comfort, and surprising revelations for all humankind.

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Editorial Reviews


"Outstanding.... A breathtaking explanation from God about the death experience, and what to expect when we go to the other side." -- Barbara Rose, Ph.D.

About the Author

Neale Donald Walsch devotes his

time to sharing the messages of his books through writing, lecturing, and facilitating spiritual renewal retreats. The creator of the School of the New Spirituality and founder of The Group of 1000, a nonprofit organization supporting global spiritual awakening, he lives in Ashland, Oregon, and may be contacted through

Product Details

  • Paperback: 336 pages
  • Publisher: Atria Books (March 6, 2007)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0743267168
  • ISBN-13: 978-0743267168
  • Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.6 x 0.9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (182 customer reviews)
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #58,206 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
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Customer Reviews

Most Helpful Customer Reviews
187 of 192 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars There Is No Death In God March 27, 2006
In 1975 my mother passed away from this Earth plane. I was only nine years old. When I first heard of her passing, the news hit me like a ton of bricks and I was completely hysterical. I went out to the backyard and sat under the peach tree that my mother and I used to sit under many times and I had a very vivid dream of my mother and in it she told me how happy she was, how good she felt, how she really didn't die but just left the body she was using. When I awoke I was filled with a feeling of peace and a knowing that there is never any death of any kind in God.

Well, needless to say this went over like a lead balloon when I told my family that mom didn't really die. They took it as being insensitive and that I must've not really loved her that much if I got over her passing so rapidly. No matter what I said I was shut down and made to feel very guilty. So I forgot all about my dream of my mother being happy and alive and doing well and I learned how to mourn and I learned how to mourn very well.

One morning I woke up and I realized I was now 22 years old. Where was I for the last 13 years of my life? I was basically on auto-pilot. Even though I was now in my twenties I still felt like that sad little nine year old boy. The shock was traumatic and I actually had what professionals like to call a mental breakdown but I have since learned to call it a breakthrough.

I finally got a chance to talk about my pain, my suffering, my guilt. I finally got an opportunity to tell someone who was willing to listen to me that I was sad and angry and disillusioned and somehow through the power of compassion and grace I could tell that the pieces of my psyche were coming together. I began to feel as though I was healing.

When I got out of the "looney bin" I made a pilgrimage to the cemetery where my mother was and through some help, I located her grave. I fell down on my knees and cried bitterly, "Oh, mom, I've been such a horrible person. I'm sorry I didn't love you. I'm sorry I didn't care enough to think that you were gone from my life." I was so emotionally exhausted that I fell asleep at the gravesite.

I had another dream with my mother in it. Once again she told me that she was fine, that she was still in my life, that the Love we had for each other could never be destroyed. I woke up feeling completely healed. I woke up knowing that God is a God of Love and Love never dies.

This book confirms those things that my soul knows to be true. You can't really explain these things to people who aren't open to such things and we don't even need to. We will be with the ones who left before us again. We will continue our journey forever. Life and Death are not separate but the same. This is a great book. It took me three days to read it and I am now reading it again with a pad of paper and a pen so that I can take detailed notes.

It's not going to be for those who are adamant that there's a place called Heaven and a place called hell, but it's for those who have an open heart and a soul willing enough to remember that there is no death in God.

Peace & Blessings, children of Love.
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371 of 397 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars I want to go home right now! March 20, 2006
Is it really over? Is this wonderful series really coming to an end? Sadly, it appears so, as this is apparently the final book in the conversations with God series (which has changed my life for the better). But while it may be the final book, it is one of the most important, for it deals with the one issue that everyone, no matter who you are or where you come from, must inevitably face: What happens to us after we die?

That's the one big question that is looked at in this book. Just what does happen when we die? Happily, the answers put forth not only make sense and give a reasonable view of the transition from physical life to spiritual life, but when one takes the answers given in this book and compare them to near death experiences and other other-worldly experiences, they match up.

The big message of the book is this: It is impossible to live and die without God, but it is possible not to know this. No matter where you are, what you do, or how you die, God is with you. It's possible to know this, and it's possible not to know this.

On to the subject of death itself, the book goes over death and it's implications. There's a lot of stuff presented here, so i'll just list some of the biggies:

1. Death happens in three stages, realizing that you are not a body, experiencing what you want to experience after death, and merging with your higher self.

2. One goes home to heaven when they have experienced all that they wanted to experience in this physical lifetime. The spirit of the individual may know this and when the lifetime will finish, but frequently the individual does not know when he or she will die.

3. The death experience is different for everyone, depending on your expectations, views, and ideas. If you expect to find nothing, you will be allowed to experience that (the second stage of death) until you decide to look for something else. If you expect to find yourself embraced in the arms of a loving God, you will be allowed to experience that. If you expect to find yourself being judged and sent to hell, you will be allowed to experience that (though you can change it by choosing to look for something else).

4. Death is simply becoming whole again, for you splintered upon birth. Death is the transition from one state of existance to another. Everyone inevitably makes it home.

That's just the tip of the iceberg with regards to what happens after death. There's a life review, there's the big question that you will be asked (so big that all of heaven will pause to hear your answer), and there's deciding what to do next. Overall the book does accomplish what it set out to do, to explain death, what it is, what happens, and how you affect your own experience.

Granted, what's said should be taken with a grain of salt because we, of course, cannot confirm for certian what happens after physical death. I don't agree with everything said in here about death (For example, spirits who see themselves in hell don't feel it. I'm not quite sure what to think of that), but I find myself agreeing with most of what is said here. There are some passages in paticular (the passages on page 109-111 made my heart and my spirit soar as I read them) that are just so beautifuly written and so emotionally moving that they are, in my opinion, some of the most beautiful and divine words ever inspired to be put on paper.

In addition to death itself, the book also discusses other aspects that add to the death process such as the topic of how one perceives things. One big note here is that your perception really changes your life and your world. Your perception helps determine, to an enormous extent, how your life plays out. I love this quote on page 214:

God: It's really quite simple. Tune in to how you feel.

Neale: Now I can just see someone saying, "Boy, what a piece of new age jargon-Get in touch with your feelings."

God: Those who see it as jargon will experience it as jargon. Those who see it as wisdom will open the door to a whole new world.

There's also a good amount of material describing why you're here on earth in the first place (experience things that help you grow and evolve as an individual spirit). There are no victims and villians, and everyone has their own truth, but there are people, places, and things that help guide people to that truth within them. Some people may indeed dismiss such statements, but when one thinks about it in a certian context, it does make sense. How does one really find wisdom and truth?

God: All human beings are born with the wisdom of the universe imprinted on thier souls. It is in the DNA of everything...this is why, when people are confronted with great wisdom, it often sounds so familiar to them. They agree with it almost at once. There is no argument. There is only a remembering (page 5).

I could keep writting for pages at how incredible and easy to understand this book is, but I will finish with this: What is in this book is not for everyone. Followers of religion may hate what it says and others may say that it's all a bunch of wacked out new age propoganda, but there is good stuff in here. When I got this book I was going through a stage in my life where I was afraid of what was going to happen to me after my death. Yet, after reading this book and recognizing (remembering?) so much good stuff in it, all my fear of death has vanished completely, replaced with that simple statement. "It is impossible to live and die without God, but it is possible to not know this." Although it's sad to see such a wonderful and life changing series of books come to an end, it has finished with a wonderful ending that helps to reassure, comfort, and explain one of the things we as humans fear the most.

Thank you Mr. Walsch. Thank you so much for bringing us all these wonderful books. Rest assured that there is one spirit, one person out in the world whom you have helped guide towards a more loving path in life. Thank you so much.

Highly recommended.
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214 of 241 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars OUTSTANDING ABOUT the DEATH EXPERIENCE AS REAL LIFE March 22, 2006
Neale Donald Walsh's OUTSTANDING new book "Home With God: In a Life That Never Ends" is a breathtaking explanation from God about the death experience, and what to expect when we go to the other side.

To give you a feel for this extraordinary book, here is a brief explanation quoted directly from the book: (note: I placed "Neale" and "God" so you will understand who is speaking.)

(Neale) "I had heard that we are reunited with our loved ones after death and that they help us "cross over," and I am soooo glad to know that this is true!

(GOD) You may even become aware of the presence of some of those loved ones before your death.

(Neale) Before my death?

(GOD) Yes. Many people, while they are still in their physical bodies, announce to others in the room that they are seeing loved ones, or that their beloved has come for them.
Those others in the room often try to convince dying people that they are seeing things-and they ARE seeing things, things that are very real, but things that other people cannot see because of their limited perspective. Your perspective widens immensely after "death"-and often in the moments just before you die.

(Neale) That's exciting! Now you're almost making death sound exciting.

(GOD) It IS exciting. In fact, your death can be one of the most exciting moments of your life. It all depends on what you believe. As in life, in death what you believe is what you will experience.
For instance, if you do not experience the presence of these spirits at the time of your death it will be because you do not expect to, and because the possibility of their presence lies outside of your belief system. Yet if you so much as hope that these loving presences will be there, you will immediately perceive them.

(Neale) I understand. So it is really important to be clear about your beliefs surrounding death.

(GOD) It is important in life to be clear about your beliefs surrounding everything. It is not just your death that is affected by your beliefs, but your WHOLE LIFE." (My Caps.)

It is my deepest belief that anyone who has ever been afraid to die will receive great relief after reading this book.

There is the most love filled tone throughout, of course that unconditionally loving tone and feel comes from GOD.

There is so much reassurance, beauty and truth. Can we "prove" any of this information? Not with scientific data, however, we CAN ask anyone who HAS "died", went to the other side, and came back.

Of course every person's death experience will be as unique as the person, and THIS is "why" this book is so important!

There is GRAND LIFE in the death experience. I would also HIGHLY suggest this book to anyone who misses a loved one who has passed on. I feel you will receive a great deal of relief and inner peace from this book.

I also feel this book would be PERFECT for anyone who does have a terminal illness, and IS facing "death" in the near future. I am positive it will bring the same feeling of relief and inner peace.

This is an OUTSTANDING book that I recommend from my heart. The subject matter goes into ultra fine detail, and there is not a dull moment in the read.

Thank you, Neale, for your extraordinary contribution to humanity!
This book deserves at minimum 10 stars!

Barbara Rose, Ph.D. author of If God Was Like Man, Know Yourself and If God Hears Me, I Want an Answer!
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Most Recent Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing truths simplified
This text of conversation is so rich with explanations and powerful remembrances: one pass through it is not enough. Read more
Published 1 day ago by SMFC
5.0 out of 5 stars Very good book!
this is a great book. i loved every word of this book and it fit into my life perfectly. worth buying!
Published 1 month ago by Eugene
5.0 out of 5 stars What an interesting book
I could not put this book down. I keep it by my bed an read a little every night. This book answers a lot of my questions. Who knows what is truth. Read more
Published 1 month ago by K. Watts
5.0 out of 5 stars Peaceful Reading
When I purchased this book, I was unsure of what I would find. I have to admit, I don't agree with everything written, as should anyone with any book. Read more
Published 1 month ago by Glynna Allen
5.0 out of 5 stars Good Book
I love all of Neale's books, but this one is quite special. He has outdone himself on this one for sure.
Published 1 month ago by Jewell Bowles
5.0 out of 5 stars Redefining.
If you are struggling with a loss or with your own thoughts of what death is this book can bring a 'peace' to you.
Published 2 months ago by jillrich
4.0 out of 5 stars Book in good condition
The book was in good condition, the content is only for people who are open to the discussion of the metaphysical.
Published 2 months ago by Marissa DeVita
5.0 out of 5 stars Inspiring and hopeful
Answered many questions re birth and death. Death is now something to look forward to rather than to dread. There are many paths to God and there is no wrong way. Read more
Published 2 months ago by Patsy Jones
5.0 out of 5 stars Just what I needed!
I chose this rating because this book is helping me through the grieving process.
It is very positive and appears to be a continuation of Conversations with God! Read more
Published 3 months ago by J. Johnson
5.0 out of 5 stars A MUST-READ FOR EVERYONE!
I've read many pivotal books over the past 40 years that have shifted my perception of life, and this one stands at the top of my list. Read more
Published 5 months ago by S. Rose
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